Online Business Financing
- Business Term Loan or Business Term Financing-i
- Financing up to S$150,000
- Repayment period up to 5 years
- No collateral, no financial or bank statement required
- Receive application status in 10 minutes¹
- Receive funds in minutes²
¹Applicable to existing customers with complete records. New to Maybank? We will update you on the status within 2 business days.
²Applicable to existing Maybank sole proprietorship business account holders for disbursement of up to S$150,000 (under Business Term Loan).
Personalised Business Financing
- Working Capital, Property (acquisition/refinancing), Trade, Government Assistance Schemes
- Financing up to S$10 million
- Repayment period up to 30 years/revolving
- End-to-end consultation from our dedicated sales personnel³
Approval In-Principle Property Financing
- Property Financing (acquisition only) for purpose of business operations4
- Financing up to S$10 million
- Repayment period up to 30 years
- Singapore commercial and industrial properties only
- Obtain Approval In-Principle for your property financing within minutes5
- End-to-end consultation from our dedicated sales personnel³
³We will get in touch with you within 2 business days.
4Not applicable for refinancing of property.
5Applicable to new and existing Maybank customers, excluding sole proprietorship and investment holding company.
Ready to submit your financing application online?
Have an ongoing application? Click below to resume, check your application status or view your offer.