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Use PayNow and Be Rewarded

Go contactless and stay safe

Maybank collaborates with The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) in the implementation of proactive measures to help individuals and businesses carry on with their payment activities in the present Covid-19 environment. These measures include monetary incentives to encourage individual and SME customers to sign up and use PayNow.

For Individual Customers

Double your cash reward to S$200 with Maybank


Every PayNow transaction to businesses either via Scan-and-Pay or via Unique Entity Number (UEN) earns you a chance to win S$100 in the 10 weekly draws.

If the lucky draw winner is a Maybank customer, Maybank will double the cash reward to S$200. That's just our way to show our appreciation for your continuous support.

Details available here.

For SME Customers

Accept PayNow, collect PayNow payments and be rewarded


The first 20,000 SME customers that register for PayNow from 9 April to 31 July 2020 will receive a cash incentive of S$25.

Simultaneously, SME customers may be rewarded with incentives of up to S$50 for collecting payments via PayNow during the same period.

Details available here.